My Succes Life: Rocket fuel chemical found in baby formula

Friday 3 April 2009

Rocket fuel chemical found in baby formula

I see a news now on Yahoo home page, it is about CDC: Rocket fuel chemical found in baby is very surprised me cause I do remember that last year there had this problem too with China product .
It said that
Traces of a chemical used in rocket fuel were found in samples of powdered baby formula, and could exceed what's considered a safe dose for adults if mixed with water also contaminated with the ingredient, a government study has found.
The study by scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked for the chemical, perchlorate, in different brands of powdered baby formula. It was published last month, but the Environmental Working Group issued a press release Thursday drawing attention to it.
The chemical has turned up in several cities' drinking water supplies. It can occur naturally, but most perchlorate contamination has been tied to defense and aerospace sites.
No tests have ever shown the chemical caused health problems, but scientists have said significant amounts of perchlorate can affect thyroid function. The thyroid helps set the body's metabolism. Thyroid problems can impact fetal and infant brain development.
So for you who have babies please be careful with this news.

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