My Succes Life: Fish

Tuesday 8 January 2008


I have read an article today on Grilled Fish, it says that :
Grilling fish is tricky without a grill basket, but don't let that deter you:
1. Spray the fish with nonstick cooking spray or brush it very lightly with oil.
2. Place the fish around the edges of the grill, away from the hottest part of the fire (Don't try to lift up the fish right away; it will be stuck to the grill).
3. Start checking for color and doneness after a few minutes, once the fish starts to release some of its juices.
4. Flip it over when it's got light grill marks.
Fish on the grill needs to be attended very closely and only takes a few minutes per side. If the file ts are an even thickness, fish can be cooked through by grilling it on one side only.

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